Shiva is a new and very popular children’s show on Nickelodeon India. The title character is a 9-year old superhero with a gadget-laden bicycle and a posse of loyal friends to help him keep his town’s endless supply of villains in line. As Shiva is a popular new show, the goals for the promos were to reinforce that new episodes can be seen on Nick India, and to emphasize the comedy and adventure aspects of the show.
Branding Agency Leroy & Clarkson turned to Galaxy 61 to handle the animation of 5 characters on 5 vehicles in the 15-second ident. The main gag revolves around Ladoo Singh, the chief of police. Ladoo is tooling along on his motorcycle, ever the tough cop with mirrored shades and attitude. Suddenly, Shiva appears out of nowhere, passing ladoo while simply pedaling his bicycle. Ladoo is nonplussed. As Shiva’s friends join in, he puts the icing on the cake with a blast from his rocket thruster, propelling him through the Nickelodeon Sonic logo.
Doug Johnson: Animation Director
Johnny Falcone: Animator
Jared Eng: Animator
Paul Wei: Animator